quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2013

Week 11 - Activity 11

Hey students :)

How are you this week?

The end of our semester is near! Let's practice a little bit more?

This week you will go back to activity 4 and will write an email to a person responsible for the university program you are interested in. Ask for information you would like to know (about the research areas, the possibility for a Brazilian student to be part of their groups, etc.). 

If you have your email answered, show it to your colleagues in the classroom.

Be very clear, formal and organized, ok?
This activity is due July, 1, 2013.

Camila :)

quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2013

Week 10 - Activity 10

Hey everyone, are you doing great this week? I hope so!

We have a video activity this week. For this activity you need to remember a scene from the movie: “The Bridget Jone’s Diary” where the secretary writes an email to her boss. You watched in your last class with Talita.

In groups, you have decided if the email was appropriate or not based on that situation. Then, you will write a paragraph talking about what you have discussed in your group and what conclusions you have reached. Post your paragraph here.

This activity is due June 24, 2013.

Have a great week!

Camila :)

quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2013

Week 9 - Activity 9

Hi everyone!

Let’s get started with the online activities for this week?

You are going to look for information about a research group in an international university you are interested in. Based on the information you find, answer these questions:

A. What is the research group you found? What is the university? What are the important aspects about the group you chose?

B. Write a small text explaining why you would study in this group and what is the relation between the group and the research you are involved with.
This activity is due to June, 17, 2013

Have a great weekend!
Camila :)

quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2013

Week 8 - Activity 8

Hi everyone!

In Unit 2 you studied a little bit about British, Australian and American pronunciation. Have you studied about this before? Do you think it was interesting? Did you find it difficult or easy? Do you often listen to British, Australian and American speakers? You don’t have to answer these questions; they are here to help you in your reflection.

Your online activity this week is to write a paragraph about your reflections on studying pronunciation. If you need the text as a reference, here it is.

Post your reflections here. This activity is due June 10, 2013.

Have a great week and write me if you have any doubts.

Camila :)

The Differences between American, British, and Australian English
Australia, Great Britain, and America all speak the same language, but you simply have to visit each country to realize that, while they all speak English, it is far from a universal language. The English spoken in Great Britain, America, and Australia has many similarities, but a surprising number of differences as well. The main reason for this is the vast distance between each country. Here are some of the common differences you will find between these three versions of English.
Pronunciation Differences
Pronunciation between the three types of English is very dissimilar. In American English the "r" at the end of the word almost always affects its pronunciation, whereas in Australian and British English the "r" is often silent. Also, the emphasis placed on the syllables of the word varies from British, Australian, and American English. In Britain, the world adult has the emphasis on the first syllable, whereas in America it is placed on the second half of the word. Australian English is unique in the fact that many words have sounds that are eliminated. Instead of saying good day, the Australian speaker says g'day. The main pronunciation difference between the three, however, is the pronunciation of the vowel sounds.
Differences in Spelling
Not only do the three types of English sound different, but they are also spelled differently. In some ways, the spelling reflects the difference in pronunciation. For instance, Americans use the world airplane to refer to a flying mode of transportation. In Great Britain, the word is aeroplane, and it is pronounced with an audible "o" sound. Another common difference in spelling is aluminium, which is the UK spelling, and aluminum, the US spelling. Again, the difference shows the difference in pronunciation of the two words. In this instance the Australian spelling is the same as the UK spelling.
Another common spelling difference between UK English and American English is the use of -our verses -or at the end of the word. For instance, in the UK, colour, flavour, honour, and similar words all end in -our, whereas in America they are spelled with the -or ending (color, flavor, honor). In Australia, the -our spelling is almost universal.
Similarly, the endings -re and -re are different between the different English dialects. In America you will go to the theater or fitness center, whereas in Britain you will visit the theatre or fitness centre. Again, Australian English follows the British pattern.
There are other common spelling differences as well. For instance, in American English, words that sound as though they end with an -ize will always end in an -ize. However, in UK English, they typically end in ise (i.e. realize, realise). Also, British English often doubles consonants when adding a suffix when American English does not, such as in the world traveller.
Interestingly, the three languages also have distinct vocabularies. For instance, the "hood" of a car is called the "bonnet" in Australia and Britain. Australia has several terms that are not used in either of the other countries, such as "bloke" (man) and "arvo" (afternoon). Also, Australians use some phrases that are combinations of British and American terms, such as "rubbish truck." Rubbish is commonly used in the UK, and truck is commonly used in America.
Grammar Distinctions
Besides spelling and pronunciation differences, British, American, and Australian English all have some subtle grammar differences as well. For instance, in Great Britain, it is perfectly acceptable to use a collective noun (such as army) as a plural word ("the army are coming"), whereas in America collective nouns are almost always singular ("the army is coming"). British English also uses the irregular form of the past participle of several verbs (learnt rather than learned). Also, British English tends to drop the definite article in some situations. For instance, British English speakers may refer to being "in hospital" instead of "in the hospital." Australian English grammar tends to follow British rules.

quarta-feira, 29 de maio de 2013

Week 7 - Online Exam

Hi everyone. This week's activity will be the online exam. Good luck!!!

                          Online Speaking Exam

For your online exam, you will record a video  (2 to 5 minutes long).

      Choose three of Albert Einstein’s quotes below and comment on them:

“A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.”

“All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.”

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.”

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” 

This activity is due June 3, 2013 at 11:59 p.m.

You will be graded on:

-  the quality and depth of your speaking;
-  good use of language;
-  good elocution (the ability to speak clearly and correctly, especially in public and pronouncing the words in a way that is considered to be socially acceptable)
-  good eye contact with your virtual audience;
-  meeting of the time requirement.

 Camila :)

quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013

Week 6 - Activity 6

Hi guys, ready for one more video activity?

In this video you are going to compare two movies. Choose the videos you will compare and take some notes while watching them. You can talk about the direction, the actors, the plot, the soundtrack, the visual effects or any other aspects that you like.

If you are a good video editor and know how to edit videos pretty well, you can even put some parts of the videos in your own video to illustrate what you want to say, but it is not mandatory, it is only a suggestion.

This activity is due to May 27, 2013.

Enjoy your weekend!!

Camila :)

quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2013

Week 5 - Activity 5

Hey everyone :)

Let’s get started with the online activities for this week?

The activity this week requires you to use a lot of creativity. You will create a written advertisement for the program you are attending at USP. Don’t forget that you are supposed to persuade an audience (undergraduate/ masters students) to enroll in this course. Use the best of your creativeness for this activity!!!

Let me know if you have any questions.

You will post your advertisement here and if it has lots of pictures and formatting, you can send it to my email. 

This activity is due May 20, 2013 at 11:59 p.m.

Camila :)

quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2013

Week 4 - Activity 4

Hey guys! How are you? :)

This week you are going to record yourself (2 to 5 minutes) explaining why you have chosen a graduate program at USP. Point out the advantages and disadvantages of your program.

Be very reflexive!

If you have any questions, please, let me know. 

This activity is due May, 13, 2013

Camila :)

Obs.:You do not need to record a video, you can record only your voice. 

segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2013

Week 3 - Activity 3

Hey guys, ready for one more week of activities?

For this week, you will remember the discussion you had in class on the activity 28 about academic biographies and résumés. You will write a brief paragraph (8-10 lines) talking about the reflection you and your friends reached when you were discussing the following questions in class:

A) In your academic field, do you usually look for academic biographies? In which situations? What kind of information do you try to find in this kind of text?

B) Do you think the author of the academic biography can help you judge the quality of the text?

C) Does the résumé of a person reflect the professional he/she is? Why (not)?

for the paragraph activity, you will be evaluated on:
- the depth of your reflections;
- meeting the requirements of the activity;
- being punctual to turn your activity in;
- good use of the language and structures studied in the classroom. 

You will post your paragraph here. 

This activity is due May, 3, 2013.

Have fun and be reflexive!

Camila :)

quarta-feira, 17 de abril de 2013

Week 2 - Activity 2

Hey everyone :)

Let’s get started with the online activities for this week?

This week we have a video activity.

You will have to record a video of yourself presenting a biography about a person you admire. This person can be from the academic area or not.

In your video, you can give information about his/her life, career, projects, talk about these person’s achievements, etc. Use your imagination as much as you can!

To illustrate your work and make it more exciting, you can use pictures, videos, make a collage, or anything of the kind.

You can use any tool you prefer!

This activity is due April 22, 2013.

Have a wonderful week!

Camila =) 

quarta-feira, 10 de abril de 2013

Week 1 - Activity 1

Hey guys, how are you?

This week, for your online activity, you will have to write your own academic biography. To do this, refer to the biographies you have studied in class; they will help you improve your writing. You can mention the schools you have studied, the courses you have taken, your research interests and so much more!

You are going to post your academic biography here. It is due next Monday (April 15), 11:59 p.m.

Have a great week J
